Alhuquq Center
Alhuquq (“Rights” in Arabic) is an independent nonpartisan human rights organization that was established in 2006, to advocate the rights of the Arab population in Israel, promote their interests, and empower groups and individuals.
To achieve these goals, the organization:
Provides legal consultation and advocacy for individual and community institutions in cases related to Arab community rights;
Brings impact litigation and other legal interventions before courts and state authorities;
Appeals to the United Nations and other international institutions;
Organizes seminars and conferences that focus on the Arab minority issues;
Publishes reports of critical legal and political issues;
Conducts media outreach locally and internationally in order to advocate and promote Arab rights in Israel;
Assists new initiatives that support the rights and interests of the Arabs in Israel;
Trains legal community apprentices in human rights and democracy in order to promote and empower the Arab minority in Israel.